Friday, February 15, 2008

Yael Naim - Self Titled

Yael Naim
Yael Naim
(10.2007, Tot ou Tard)
Verdict: Playful femininity

I picked up Yael Naim after hearing the hit single "New Soul" featured on the MacBook Air commercial. I didn't know anything about her and was pleasantly surprised by the simplicity and joy I discovered in the album. The first song "Paris," is a gently spinning pleasantry which reminds me of sunny days and home videos. Sung in Hebrew, French and English, each song is a little multicultural feminine gem. The songs are primarily slow and sparse. The overall feeling of the album is similar to Feist's The Reminder, and in that way I am worried that the charm of the album won't last long with me, but at least I am enjoying it while the time lasts. Yael Naim even includes a haunting cover of Britney Spear's "Toxic," which I would have never picked up on my own. (Mr. Thistle recognized it immediately from his Britney worshipping past.) It's one of my favorite tracks on the album. "Too Long" also has a brooding but playful melody that will keep you coming back. Overall the album isn't an instant stand out, but will definitely be enjoyed should you give it a try.


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