Thursday, February 14, 2008

Aye Aye - Saint Delay and The Golden God

Aye Aye
Saint Delay and The Golden God
(01.2008, A. Star)
Verdict = Avant Psych-Blues Rumblings

For all those bustling around the FG office (which is actually a computer desk snuggled tightly into a short hallway of a minuscule apartment complex) Aye Aye’s debut record has been the subject of much anticipation. Proceeded by a year full of constantly changing and constantly satisfying live shows it was anyone’s guess what would make it to disc. In all honesty, this uncertainty as to what Aye Aye would turn into when recorded left me a little dissatisfied in the beginning. I listened to the first couple tracks was sort of anticlimactic. If you’re skimming this review, don’t stop here; my initial listen was far to rash and in retrospect, completely off base. There was a bit of trepidation in returning to the album after my first self ascribed scare. It can be hard to address something that you feel is going to disappoint, when you so desperately want it to succeed. It is like watching your scrawny little boy, who naively wants to be a boxer, prepare for his first match against an experienced kid twice his size. It’s almost unbearable to watch. Well, I’ve finally dug my heels in, gritted my teeth and followed the thing from beginning to end and what do you know: Aye Aye knocked that kid clean out! Round after round Aye Aye courageously shrugs off every paltry suggestion to bow out and instead pummels your expectations with an album completely fresh and astoundingly invigorating. Taking the signature bluesy roots of his songs and contorting and manipulating them into the perfect Molotov cocktail, Saint Delay and the Golden God is a ferocious victory. The deeper you get into the album the better it gets too. Like an uncontrollable snowball constantly building on the shoulders of the track immediately preceding it. As a reader of this here site and a fellow music enthusiast I can’t recommend enough that you throw out any hesitation and pick this album up. You will be glad you did.

-Mr. Thistle

Aye Aye on Virb

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