Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Spruce Lee's Year End List

Contributing Writer Review
I have done initial reviews on many of these albums, and it is interesting to notice how initial perspectives change, especially when considered on a spectrum. Anyhow heres a list of ten albums.

10. Lounge Legends, by France Gall:
I know this is no where near an '07 release, but it was new to me this year, and considering the retro feel of many of my picks it doesn't seem too out of place. Had it been released this year it would probably be my #1.

9. Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, by Spoon:
I had hoped for more when this album came out, but i still can't deny how solid of an album it is.

8. Exit, by Shugo Tokumaru:
As with the Books most recent album, I long for the days of less singing and more atmosphere, but I'll still take this any day of the week.

7. You, You're a History of Rust, by Do Make Say Think:
As other instrumental rock/whatever bands seem to fade into the sunset, this album stands out all the more.

6. Throwing Tongues, by Navigator:
In the last two days this album has worked it's way from being no where on my radar, to number six. I wonder where it would be if i had waited until tomorrow to make this list.

Navigtor on Virb

5. Good Bad Not Evil, by Black Lips:
This album wont revolutionize much but it will electrify most anyone listening.

4. Invitation Songs, by The Cave Singers:
In a year with much for the eclectic and eccentric listener, it is nice to have a simple album with a defining voice, and to realize how good music can still be without all the frills.

3. 100 Days 100 Nights, by Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings:
I have been listenning to the opening and closing tracks of this album on repeat for a while now, and the rest of the album is no slouch either.

1 & 2. Sound of Silver, by LCD Soundsystems & Boxer, by The National:
Because all lists are kind of trivial anyways i figure there's really no sense trying to rack my appreciative senses and decide which one of these should top my list, so both and neither do. But i might have to give a slight edge to LCD on account of their live performance at Thanksgiving Point.

-Spruce Lee

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