Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Year-End List Time!! Wooly Mammal's Top Ten

Contributing Writer Top 10!!!

While Mr. Thistle and Sassigrass are able to compile top 50's, I'm not sure if I've even listened to 50 albums from 2007. However, I have still managed to pass by some truly amazing music this year and here's a small list of whats stuck with me.

10. Big a Little a - gAame

For an album that's mostly drums, there sure is a lot of variety. Plus its nuts. In a good way.

9. Polysics - Karate House

Any band that can still write good songs after 8 LP's deserves to be on some sort of list.

8. Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam

Remember when they played #1 on Conan O' Brien?

7. Dirty Projectors - Rise Above

I've never really gotten into Black Flag, but I'm glad Dave Longstreth did.

6. Shugo Tokumaru - Exit

Ai yi yi, another japanese band. A bit more poppy than his previous outings, but don't worry its not J-Pop. Shugo ROCKS!!!!

5. Adrian Orange and Her Band - S/T

How can you go wrong with an afro-beat/ dub/ dancehall album from Thanksgiving?

4. Castanets - In the Vines

Its haunting, in a safe comforting way. Westbound, Blue is one of the prettiest songs of the year.

3. Woelv - Tout Seul dans la Foret en Plein Jour, Avez-Vous Peur?

One of my favorite artists make her best album to date. Its dark and passionate, while still maintaining a sense of hope. I don't understand French.

2. Stag Hare - Ahspen

Ahspen feels more like a spiritual journey than just "music". Salt Lake City should be proud to have such inspiring art being made in our own backyard.

Stag Hare on Virb

1. Panda Bear - Person Pitch

It took me a while to get into this album, but now I cant escape. Ripping off Beach Boys harmonies has never sounded so good.

- Wooly Mammal

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