Love Is All
Nine Times That Same Song
(2006, What’s Your Rupture)
Bombastic! Yeah, I think that is the exclamatory descriptor here. Love Is All is the perfect post-punk pop band you have been waiting for, dishing endless hooks through 10 tracks. Nine Times That Same Song, title of the groups debut is probably a little bit more descriptive than you would expect or far more enjoyable than you would think. Completely by coincidence, Love Is All is the third Swedish band I have reviewed here (Dungen, The Knife) making me think that they be engineering creativity over there. Indestructibly consistent while rattling out hook after hook after hook, Love Is All is the champion of the summer making loud post punk anthems to eat popsicles too. Led by vocalist Josephine Clausson’s urgent singing and backed with angular guitars, bleating horns and blistering drums, there is something Jr. High about this stuff (but definitely not in a bad way). It is like music for crushes or music for cruising down to the gas station for a soda or something. Utter unabashed bliss that should not be missed!
-Mr. Thistle
Champion of LAST summer