Friday, July 13, 2007

Annuals - Be He Me

Be He Me
(2006, Ace Fu Records)

The proper thieves of our very own Band of Annuals’ maiden name from what I understand; the now exclusively named Annuals are also the proper thieves of incredible ideas strewn about the indie rock/pop landscape. Perhaps “thieves” is a bit harsh because, in fact, Annuals are endlessly creative and unfathomably fun. But in reference to thieving they do have a surprisingly wide number of name dropping references that are all bands of seemingly high creative prowess themselves. Indeed, Broken Social Scene, Akron/Family and Animal Collective all come along variously when listening to Annuals’ debut Be He Me. Sassigrass has also referenced Islands on her first listen that I found pretty apt but perhaps misleading in my own mind. Where Islands debut had dwindling replay value in comparison to their former band, The Unicorns, Annuals are continually and repeatedly inspiring, slapping smiles on the faces of all its listeners. Constantly searching out and finding inventive indie rock gems, Annuals wear their name well despite and personal SLC grudges they may have developed. This is a band I would travel to see play live. Listen to my new favourite song below; absolute energetic wonderment.

-Mr. Thistle

Annuals – Brother