Green Gerry
Odd Tymes
(2010, Self Released)
RIYL = Julian Lynch, Grouper, Ducktails
Have you ever, in the midst of a fishing trip upon that open lake – the lake lined with sentinel trees, each slung to the next with hammocks and lit up alright with lanterns – fallen into the water-ether and was surprised, while floating amongst the underwater greenery, that the cricket-silence present at the surface, on the rowboat, was juxtaposed so gorgeously with the ear disorienting vibrations swinging below, and there, submerged and sinking, decided that drowning was the best option, because you wanted to eek out a couple more minutes of the blessedly soggy tunes you’d newly discovered and never wanted to let go of? I imagine it is a common experience among us, though, if you’re reading this it is likely that, though you slipped into the sleepy depths unconscious, a boat mate or shore observer (or school of fish) managed to float you ashore an revive your breathing, thinking and (most importantly) hearing capacities. Thus, here you are, remembering that lost experience like it was just a figment of your imagination. Wondering, with your dissolving memory, what exactly those tones were that you’d experienced, that voice. Fortunately for us all, Green Gerry (the pseudonym of one Gerry Green) has produced (with only Garage Band and the internal mic on his computer) that most glorious, layered, submerged paradise and set it to tape so that it might kiss our ears freely while our lungs expand and retract. I promise you, by the axe of Thor, that Odd Tymes, this most honestly gorgeous, intensely atmospheric, odd and timely out-folk album, is indeed that sooty savior you’ve been seeking. And, of course, just like the cost to sink low in that open lake – the lake lined with sentinel trees, each slung to the next with hammocks and lit up alright with lanterns – was yours, Green Gerry in his most generous, throaty way and understanding, humbly of course, of the sheer essentiality of Odd Tymes, something created very much with forces beyond his own, has it propped up on his Bandcamp page using the pay-what-you-want model. It’s worth much more than $0, of that I assure you. So bloody, drowningly good.
Green Gerry on Bandcamp
Your reviews are gooder now. Too bad you kicked me off FG!