Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sustentacula - S/T

(2009, Rasbliutto)
RIYL = The Microphones, Dragging An Ox Through Water, Benoit Pioulard

So, as you may or may not have noticed, Fall semester has started and, subsequently, the slow descent of this here blog. However, as I get totally swept up in my studious student persona I feel it is important to pass along a few gems as they find their way to me. Sustentacula arrived in my mailbox a few weeks ago and I am sorry, I should have posted about it sooner, but life…and all that. Anyways, this debut, self-titled album is a glorious, quiet little beast that you’ll most certainly want to get your grubby mitts on. The work of David Rafn, along with some of his compatriots in the Portland area, Sustentacula speaks simplistic acoustic songs through a kaleidoscope of gorgeously off kilter production and instrumentation. Rafn writes perfect acoustic bedroom pop ground up with bits of trenchant machinery and clamorous, woodsy atmospherics. The album reminds me of the very best of K Records when they were in their heyday with a few added doses of experimental ear candy. Yet, even with the nostalgia of K riding on Rafn’s back, Sustentacula feels vibrant and fresh; a necessary music that seems to be missing from the landscape of music being released to close out this decade. A stunning debut, if I might say so myself, and a saving grace for anyone floundering in a musical rut in terms of new music. I’ve got some more homework to do, so I’ll have to cut this short, but there really isn’t much more to say: ten great songs that never wander away from the high level of goodness opened up with the very first notes.


Sustentacula on MySpace

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the nice review...
    this can be purchased straight from the label at www.rasbliutto.net/sustentacula

