Micachu & The Shapes
(04.2009, Rough Trade Us)
Verdict: This...album...is....AWESOME!!!
Mica Levi is the genius also known as Micachu. After listening to Mica's scratchy voice and watching the video for "Lips" (posted below) Thistle and I were certain Mica was a little Euro-trash boy, possibly in high school still. Neither of us knew anything other than the fact the we were totally lovin' Jewellery. One time while we were giving it a listen in the car I said "this singer could be a girl." Thistle agreed, but we both placed our bets on young boy. I was just doing a little research in preparation for writing this review and I just discovered that the androgynous voice and hair actually belong to a 21 year old female. Thistle, we were wrong. Well, girl or boy, Mica knows how to rock the house down and has killer vocal delivery. The music is punk infused experimental pop and speaks deeply to my inner teenager. Some of the songs make you want to smash things, and all of them will induce dancing and/or air drumming. Jewellery is one of the most refreshing and instantly catchy albums I have ever heard, and a wonderful soundtrack to sunshine. Everyone should be blasting Micachu and the Shapes this summer, cause it's summer jammin'!
-lil' sass
Totally agree with your review. I think it's one of the best things to come out of the UK in quite a while.