Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest

Grizzly Bear
(05.2009, Warp Records)
Verdict: Lives up to the hype. Don't be a hater.

After touring with Radiohead, Grizzly Bear's popularity is in tip-top shape, making Veckatimest clearly one of the most anticipated albums of 2009. When I first started hearing all the hype I was a little confused, since I thought Yellow House was a little on the dull side of things. However, I did like Department of Eagles quite a bit and was definitely interested in what this crew had up their sleeves. At first, the catchy as can be "Two Weeks" grabbed me in a strangle hold, and then as I was lying there in surrender, the rest of the album, every single gorgeous track, repeatedly attacked me until I was in complete submission. Now, "Two Weeks" is one of my least favorite tracks (not that I don't still love it) and the other tracks have proven their worth through wonderful diversity of mood and a swelling and pulsing sound washing over you in waves of luscious melody. I love it. Don't be fooled by any backlash to the hype, cause that's all it is, backlash to hype, not a backlash to the actual album. This album lives up to it's potential in every way. Veckatimest's sweet chamber pop is subtle enough to keep you listening over and over, but not so subtle that it's impossible to enter. It's immediately enjoyable, and repetitively more enjoyable. Gorgeous!

-lil' Sass

Click here to watch the GB get their weird on in the music video for "Two Weeks"

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