Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Juana Molina - Un Dia

Juana Molina
Un Dia
(10.2008, Domino)
Verdict = Looping pedals are fun! (AKA - I don't know what to write)

On first listen, Un Dia has a deceptively light, airy feel that can give the impression of music that’s meant to be leisurely, however, a closer listen will reveal a depth that is near unrivalled in both its composition and strength. Molina has long been developing a sound that is all her own and with Un Dia she pushes it into even further. Continuing to rely more and more heavily on loop pedals, on Un Dia Molina has crafted a hypnotic barrage of overlapping vocal chants, field recordings, acoustic guitars and electronics. The slow building repetition combined with Molina’s effortless touch is undoubtedly entrancing, but larger rewards are lurking in the details with subtle melodic shifts and brief instrumental appearances emerging under the flow of the loops. With only eight tracks this time around, Molina has dropped standard song structure in favor of a more organic, meandering feel on the album. Lyrically, everything is still undecipherable to me. Despite the fact that I am in my third semester of Spanish at the University of Utah, the only apparent meaning in Molina’s songs are achieved in terms of vocal melodies. Though I have my inadequacies in translation, I get the impression that most of the lyrics would probably be difficult to decipher even in Molina’s native Argentina. She definitely relies on her layered vocals as an integral instrument in her compositions so there is no loss for those who ‘no habla espanol’. Un Dia is pretty seamless throughout, containing consistently enchanting moments that beg for repeat listens. Don’t be surprised when you see this album popping up again at the year’s end.

-Mr. Thistle

Juana Molina - "UnDia"

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