Monday, October 27, 2008

Hospital Ships - Oh, Ramona

Hospital Ships
Oh, Ramona
(10.2008, Graveface Records)
Verdict: Cute-tastic

Hospital Ships is the "solo" project of little Jordan Geiger. You know little Jordan, he is the lead singer and keyboardist for that band that was really mediocre and then got really way awesome and then got mediocre again, Minus Story. Oh ya, he also is the victorious trumpeteer for that one band that has always sucked, what's their name, Shearwater. Anyways, you've probably seen little Jordan before. He is the one that is, you know, pretty little. He looks like he is constantly on the verge of death, and he sounds like it too. I don't know what it is about dying things, but they are usually pretty endearing. Cute even. Yes, Jordan has that really cute death frailty working for him. On Oh, Ramona, even the songs sound pretty close to dissipation, with little triumphant moments of lingering vibrancy. Don't take this wrong, it works out fantastically on Oh, Ramona to make a very personal light pop album worth a thousand listens. The sequencing may be the biggest downfall, all though, even with differing sequencing the album may still feel a bit like a collection of singles rather than a complete holistic effort. But, then again, they are pretty great singles! So, feel free to skip and repeat tracks like crazy and soak in the layered simplistic cuteness in whatever order you wish!


1 comment:

  1. "Oh ya, he also is the victorious trumpeteer for that one band that has always sucked, what's their name, Shearwater."

    That line alone secures this review a special spot as the best forest gospel post ever!
