Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Deerhoof - Offend Maggie

Offend Maggie
(10.2008, Kill Rock Stars)
Verdict: In love as always

If you were to ask me what my favorite band in the whole entire universe is/was/were I would say: DEEEEERHOOOOF!!! I therefore am incredibly biased and perfectly unqualified to write a proper critique and evaluation of their latest creation Offend Maggie, so instead, I may as well show my true feeling and address Deerhoof as the love of my life that they are:

Dear Deerhoof;

I have found myself the bearer of a bounteous fortune bestowed on myself from thee; another album released so quickly after the last shower of affection was felt. Last years' Friend Opportunity, unsurprisingly left me with an insatiable craving for more, and you have satisfied my every sense in the lusciousness that we now title "Offend Maggie." Your flirtation in sheet music only left me in the destructive burden of lustation at it's highest. I stayed awake countless nights wondering how you would return to me, and here you are in funky fresh deliciousness with a new friend Ed. Ed, I love you too, your electric touch has grooved my to tears. But Greg, Greg, now there is a man made of pure musical talent and lanky features. Deerhoof, your members form a completeness that warms my dreariest days. How long has it been that I have loved your dissonance? How long after your live show do I dream about your flawless performance? How long have I desired a track of yours to be on Guitar Hero? Deerhoof, you are my one true love, and with every move I have more faith that you will never fail me. Offend Maggie reassures and adds even more depth to or love language.

Sincerely, yours truly, forever

P.S. One question my dear: What's with your album covers?

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