Friday, May 30, 2008

Santogold - Self Titled

(04.2008, Dowtown)
Verdict: Supplying fresh jams for your next summer BBQ

Remember Tiffany? That hot babe from the 80's with the hit jam "I Think We're Alone Now?" She was was pretty cool right? Right? Her hair was at least. Well, as much as we might laugh at the glorious decade of my birth and youth, also known as the 80's, music sure is emulating it quite a bit. This new little sensation known as Santogold is no exception. It's a polished 80's throwback with a little updatery. And that's not a bad thing. It's a little Tiffany, a little Gwen Steffani, and a little M.I.A. In fact one song "Creator" is a little too M.I.A. and just feels like a rip off, but M.I.A must like is since she invited Santogold to tour some with her this year. Every song on this album feels completely different as Santogold employs influences from raggae to dance hall to 70's punk and everything in between. Although its diversity is wide, the album remains cohesive and an absolute pleasure if you skip over "Creator" and the immaturely penned "Shove It." Other than those two tracks, every songs offers a wonderful new discovery of Santogold's crazy gooey voice and catchy hookery. Pick up this album soon, for it is perfect to pump during this wonderful drive-with-your-windows-down weather we are having. If not, just listen closely as you watch reruns of Entourage or Grey's Anatomy, or while playing Grand Theft Auto this weekend, and you may just catch a clip or the new pop sensation Santgold.


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