Monday, April 7, 2008

Some Beasts - Self Titled

Some Beasts
Some Beasts
(03.2008, Self Released)
Verdict = Top Notch Instrumentals

Some Beasts debut album is the kind of wonderful surprise that I always hope for when I enter a record store. Every time I go in I pull out a premade list of albums that I have been seeking out and proceed to see if any of the albums on my list are in stock, but really, even better than finding something that I am familiar with and have researched and will inevitably get is unassumingly stumbling on something new that manages to find me obsessed. Some Beasts is that rare, unassuming album filled with wonderful depth and replay value that I will have a hard time taking out of my CD player. So now the facts: Some Beasts is the solo project of Jordan Badger, former Band of Annuals drummer, who, as it appears, made an amazing album and proceeded to nonchalantly give them away to Slowtrain (local record store in SLC of which all SLC natives should be familiar!) and then up and moved to Europe. Well, fortunately for me the album was recommended and I am hereby hooked. The whole of the album is filled with jazzy, post rock instrumentals that resemble Do Make Say Think at their more relaxed moments with and added dose of occasional (and welcome) audio experiments. I think relaxed is the key word key here. The album is definitely laid back but manages this mood without becoming bored. For those wary of the Band of Annuals relations, rest assured that Some Beasts is a beast all its own and is certainly worthy of attention whether you’re an alt-country fan or not. Here is hoping Mr. Badger will continue to making this odd, wonderful music wherever his travels take him. Definitely some of the best local music released so far this year.

-Mr. Thistle

Some Beasts' Myspace

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