Friday, March 28, 2008

Navigator - Loop Dreams

Loop Dreams
(02.2008, Magic Goat)
Verdict = Reverby, Loop Based Navigator

The second release on the downloadable-for-free-quasi-web-label, Magic Goat, comes from the Magic Goat mastermind himself, Navigator. In the short 6 song foray on Loop Dreams, Navigator moves away from the humble, lo-fi acoustics that appeared on his wonderful debut LP, Throwing Tongues, and into more experimental (but no less satisfying) territory. With his loop pedal in tow, Navigator somehow pulls out a bag of short, engaging sonic messes that translate something like Times New Viking via Mt. Eerie/Microphones . The Mt. Eerie/Microphones reference is apt seeing as how the closing track is a major chord translation of Phil Elverum's "Headless Horseman." Navigator also cover's local blues troubadour, Aye Aye's, "Change" for his opener. Both covers are tasteful, inventive recreations that manage to accomplish what the best covers were always meant to accomplish: to become a completely new song as filtered through the ideas of the artist covering them. As a whole Loop Dreams is a successful (free, AKA you should be downloading this right now) outing and a wonderful display of chameleon depth from Navigator. Here is hoping that the energy of this translates into another wonderful full length album in 2008.


  1. Don't bother mentioning the cool artwork!

  2. Thanks for the tip. I'm always up for one-man-loop-bands like Ty Braxton, Grouper, White Rainbow, etc. Not to mention free netlabels. Another one to keep my eye on.
