Tuesday, November 6, 2007

WZT Hearts - Threads Rope Spell Making Your Bones

WZT Hearts
Threads Rope Spell Making Your Bones
(09.2007, Carpark)

I'm having too great of a year and its making me look like a critical softy. It's not my fault that 2007 has virtually bombarded me with some of the most exciting and imaginative music of my short life. In any other year WZT Hearts (pronounced 'Wet Hearts') would be the crown of their class but they will just have to enjoy the brotherly love at the top this year. What's more is the fact that the top of this year's list is wrought with some of the loudest most frantic musical oddities of this or any year. WZT Hearts is a compatriot of this theme. As wonderfully enjoyable as it is titled, Threads Rope Spell Making Your Bones is brimming with laser guns, trash compactor clatter and a humming sea of static. The whole of the concoction is quite blissful, frequently boiling over and exploding then simmering then stretching threateningly to the edges of its capacity again as if you hadn’t already been flattened by previous volcanic blasts. The whole album is a quaking, tremulous storm of electronic buzz n' rumble, sloshing like witches brew gone haywire. There are some reference points here but none of them really matter because when WZT Hearts is destroying it they own their sound. The whole of the album tromps about with layers and layers of superlative electronics grit, frenzied drumming and a grab bag of unidentifiable objects contributing to the dissonant delight (see laser guns and trash compactors above). The resultant grandeur makes me feel young with adoration. Threads Rope Spell Making Your Bones is a beautiful album of composed confusion for the kids.

-Mr. Thistle

WZT Hearts on Myspace

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