Friday, November 23, 2007

Enon - Grass Geysers Carbon Clouds

Grass Geysers Carbon Clouds
(10.2007, Touch & Go)

Enon fans waited four years for Grass Geysers Carbon Clouds, Enon's fourth full legnth, and from reading multiple reviews, it seems the majority were very disappointed. Having never really listened to Enon before my views are not tainted by expectations from a back catalog. Upon first listening to Grass Geysers Carbon Clouds I was immediately reminded of a more hyperactive Bunky. It's bass heavy pop rock with twists of new wave, punk, and electro. Switching between female/male vocals nearly every other song, it's difficult to tell whose voice I prefer. The female vocals, provided by Toko Yasuda tend to get slightly annoying when she starts sounding like a twelve year old girl, but on some songs I really like her voice. John Schmersal tends to start sounding like Hot Hot Heat singer, Steve Bays, when he sings loudly. The album lacks variety and is easy to get lost in. Maybe I am just getting old, but it's too much for me. Like co Touch & Go signees, Ted Leo, it's slightly too energetic and hard to keep up with. Like The Go! Teams' latest, there are singles I love, but I can hardly digest the album in one sitting. The composition is lose and sloppy, which adds to the appeal of their garage sound. Overall I enjoy their sound, but their songs don't have enough movement in them to keep my attention and if you aren't listening closely the album all sounds the same.


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