Thursday, September 13, 2007

MoHa! - Norwegianism

(06.2007, Rune Grammaphon)

Have you ever been attacked by an innumerable amount of deranged robotic humming birds? Well, the experience could probably be equated to MoHa!'s sophomore album Norwegianism. Bearing their citizenship proudly, one of the first things I noticed in Norwegianism’s obligatory production credits was the albums sponsorship by the Council of Arts Norway. Makes me want to move to Norway. MoHa! Spare no time in bursting through their first few tracks on Norwegianism. Before you even have time to recognize your jaw on the floor the zombie infected, jazz duo is already on track 5 and waits until track 10 to come up for air and begin steady breathing. Norwegianism is a compact field of cringing skree and agile drumming likely inspired by imaginations of dozens of trained monkey drummers on Ritalin. Think Lightning Bolt gone handicap and hopped up on Jolt Cola or a lighter, more acrobatic Aufgehoben. It's an abstract comparison but in line with Forest Gospel's dedication to constantly compare bands to other bands, resulting in their undoubted infuriation. Ah well, what can I say? It is supposed to be a compliment. MoHa! Are definitely in league with the formerly mentioned statesmen of experimental noise rock & and are well on their way to my top ten of 2007!

-Mr. Thistle

MoHa! on myspace

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