Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Go! Team - Proof of Youth

The Go! Team
Proof of Youth
(09.2007, Sub Pop)

I was having a really hard time getting through this album, but I was determined. This morning I decided to try donning my oversized speaker headphones to see if they could tame the messy sound of Proof of Youth that was coming out of my PowerBook. Much to my surprise, it worked wonderfully! This album is not meant for listening to on crappy speakers. It needs some quality in order to sort out the myriad of complexities happening in any given millisecond. Even with nice headphones, Proof of Youth is still hard to get all the way trough. It feels like drinking the syrup from an entire box of melted Otter Pops and then finishing that all off with some cream soda and a huge wad of Big League Chew. If you squeezed all the energy out of each spectator at a high school football game and topped that off with full marching band and pep squad it might equal the spastic marathon that is Proof Of Youth. There are a bunch of stand-out tracks that I love, its just really difficult to listen to them all back to back, unless you are the energizer bunny. It's a great album for working out to, having an improv dance party of epic proportions with your little sister, or possibly while cleaning your house. The album saw quite a few contributors including Chuck D, The Rapper's Delight Club, and Solex. It's an enjoyable album with each of the tracks sounding great in isolation, but I'm going to have to give it a 7.5 for being as overbearing as a mother-in-law.


1 comment:

  1. 1
    dear sir
    greetings to you in the name of our god JESUSCHRIST.I am a church pastor in India since 19 years.Recently I saw your website really a blessed one
    And I am worshiping and do the ministry along with my wife and the two boys and the good congregation of hundred people of god.
    We convey gospel to the people in the villages and the streets..but we are not big people.
    We love people love is precious and basic says 1 cori 13 last verse the wonded the broken the rejected ones are appreciated and encouraged them to promote their belief in Christ jesus and receive heavenly healing in al l the area of mind and body and in the grace of god.. . We love to have fellowship with them in Christ jesus .
    we totally trust in god for everything.we love to have fellowship with you
    We appreciate you to taking time to share with me .Let me know
    How can we pray for you.
    please contact
    pastor g.arunodayam,356/2 1st main st,.inp churchcmpus ,periyakurichy, ,Neyveli 697802 INDIA.
    Thanking you
    With much prayers and blessing
    Pastor.g.arunodyam e mail
