The Outside and I EP
(2007, Creation Centre)
Pandatone is an electronic (or folktronic, depending on your ability to stomach the genre title) artist that was actually my introduction to the Creation Centre label. On The Outside and I EP Panatone has crafted an group of recordings slightly more ambient and experimental than the recordings on his full length releases. Losing the structure captured by his previous releases beats, here Pandatone rides awkward, repeating guitar and piano motifs coupled with field recordings and electronic embellishments. Some of the tracks remind me of Colleen, creating slightly devious, slightly beautiful instrumental soundscapes. The EP follows four songs for under 12 minutes, and while not as immediately satisfying or repeatedly rewarding as some of his past work, the EP does cover ground that is attention worthy (and how couldn’t you pay attention when you can download it free?).
-Mr. Thistle
~So many thanks!:)