Sunday, April 28, 2013

Elvis Depressedly - Holo Pleasures

Muddy, depressive pop music that reminds me of this old Elf Power album I used to listen to, but better. I've burned his entire back catalog onto a single disc and have been listening to it obsessively over the past few days. Good stuff.

Bird Names - Naming Names

New ramshackle pop derangement from FG favorites, Bird Names. And I think it may be the best thing they've done to date. Really solid all the way throughout. And weird, really weird.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Goat Lighting - Sister's Crystals

Ultra-chill, spaced-out wonderment here from Goat Lightning. Sister's Crystals is a surefire fever reducer. (via Tome.)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sam Hamilton - Integrifolia

Weirdo New Zealander and sound mystic, Sam Hamilton, has just released his most recent full length, Integrifolia, and it's better than everything. Or, if it's not better than everything (my findings are inconclusive), it is amazing, bright, skiwampis, healthy (that's right, healthy), bombastic, and freakin' beautiful in the weirdest, awesomest way. So much FG love for this thing.

"Umbra" by Malcolm Sutherland

This is a couple years old, but really amazing and I love it.

Anouk Ricard

Anouk Ricard is the freaking best. So glad that Drawn & Quarterly is translating her. Hit up these two links for a couple sample comics from her cute, weird Anna & Froga series, here and here.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Un Blonde

More guitar-driven outsider post-pop from Canada. Because Canada's the best.